Wednesday 19 January 2022

Coercive and controlling behaviours leads directly to abuse in multiple religious organisations.

Examples of deviant and toxic abusive with coercive control behaviour can be found in multiple religious organisations :

This article leads on to others:

"What marks religious organisations out from other institutions is the explicit purpose they have in teaching right from wrong; the moral turpitude of any failing by them in the prevention of, or response to, child sexual abuse is therefore heightened."

Other examples :

The Moody Bible School toxic culture USA

They Went to Bible College to Deepen Their Faith. Then They Were Assaulted—and Blamed for It.

Former evangelical vicar ‘was left to administer naked beatings, ice bath punishments and perform sex acts in front of people’ when church bosses took 'little or no action' over claims against him, investigation finds

After five years of sadistic beatings in a garden shed by one of the UK’s most prominent barristers, and with a “special beating” to mark his 21st birthday imminent, Andy Morse tried to take his own life. The student had endured thousands of lashes on his naked buttocks administered in the name of Jesus by John Smyth QC. He could no longer endure the pain, terror and humiliation.

C&C behaviour is often a pre-cursor to other even more serious abuse behaviours .... and not just with evangelical christians and well known cases in the Catholic church and islamic Madrasas : 
The dark side of Pakistans Madrasas rampant child abuse few checks and balances. 
Abuse behind closed doors madrasas in India. 

This is an ongoing problem 
Millions of children in religious groups in England and Wales vulnerable to abuse.  IICSA report finds victim blaming, abuse of power and mistrust of authority to be commonplace..... The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) said there was “no doubt that the sexual abuse of children takes place in a broad range of religious settings”. It found evidence of “egregious failings” and highlighted the hypocrisy of religions that purport to teach right from wrong, yet fail to protect children. IICSA’s investigation examined child protection in 38 religious organisations and settings in England and Wales, including Jehovah’s Witnesses, Baptists, Methodists, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Buddhism and nonconformist Christian denominations.

Meanwhile over in the Guatemalan jungle a small extremist "jewish" sect mistreats children and followers.

Turns out the social community L'Arche was founded by Jean Vanier partly for the purpose of finding exploiting women and children. This was a case of corruption at the core of what was otherwise a caring place for folks with special needs.

Whilst "Think of the children" is a bit of dog whistle on the interwebs the above methods and facts of abuse are real.

Also this interesting analysis of an interview between media host and leader of a kids after school club run by a Satanist's Temple. 

The Telegraph having a dig into the "Cult of armageddon" also known as JW.ORG and their self centred and self serving child protection actions.

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